Helpful Hints
Stain-Removal Tips
Spotting Solutions
Procedures for Removing Some Common Stains
  (chewing gum, crayons, shoe polish, India ink, soot)

Stain Removal Tips
  • Spills and stains should be treated immediately, when possible. The longer a spot or stain remains, the more difficult it will be to remove.
  • Blot up spills with clean, white, absorbent materials. Cotton, terry towels are best because of their high absorbency. The towel should be white to eliminate the chance of color bleeding from the rag to the carpet, and so you can see what progress you are making during the removal process.
  • Remove solid, built-up materials with a round tablespoon, spatula or edge of a dull knife.
  • Pretest all spot-removal agents in an inconspicuous area, such as under or behind a piece of furniture. Apply several drops of solution to the carpet and rub gently with a clean, white towel. If color transfers to the cloth or a color change occurs, you should consult a professional cleaner.
  • Do not overwet. Use small amounts of cleaning agents and blot frequently. Always blot, do not rub or brush.
  • Work from the outer edge of the spot toward the center, to prevent rings.
  • Treat the stained area with each required spotting solution until the stain is removed. You may not have to complete the entire series of steps. The final step is always to gently rinse the area with water, then absorb all the remaining moisture with towels.
  • Be patient. Some stains respond slowly. Not all stains can be removed, due to differences in fibers, dyes, constructions, finishes, composition of the stain, length of time the stain has remained on the article, etc. Some stains require professional treatment, and, sometimes, even the professional may not be able to remove the stain.
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    Spotting Solutions
    Ammonia Solution
    Mix one tablespoon of clear household ammonia with one-half cup of water.
    Use hydrogen peroxide or sodium perborate (present in Snowy bleach.) Do not use chlorine bleach.
    Detergent Solution
    Mix one tablespoon of a colorless, mild detergent or dishwashing liquid in a cup of lukewarm water.
    Dry-Ceaning Solvent
    Use a Volatile dry- spotter or a commercial spotter, such as Carbona, Energine, and K2R. Use in small amounts, it can be harmful to backingof carpet. Do NOT use gasoline, lighter fluid or carbon tetrachloride.
    Enzyme Detergent
    Mix a solution of enzyme detergent following the directions on the label. Do not soak or over wet. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for the recommended length of time before removing.
    Paint, oil and grease remover, available in hardware stores.
    Vinegar Solution
    Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.

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    Procedures for Removing Some Common Stains
    Chewing Gum
    Stain: Grayish or pink, rubbery, sticky, built-up.
    Contains: Chicle flavoring, sugar.
    1. Harden gum with an ice cube, until it is brittle enough to scrape off with a dull knife or spatula.
    2. Apply dry-cleaning solvent to remove traces, blot.
    Stain: Built-up, sometimes shiny.
    Contains: Wax, grease, pigment, coloring matter.
    1. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
    2. Apply POG, blot.
    3. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
    4. Apply detergent solution, blot.
    5. Rinse with water, blot until dry.
    Shoe Polish
    Stain: Usually black or brown, absorbed or built-up.
    Contains: Waxes, resins, solvents, dyes, shellac, alcohol, tannin.
    1. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
    2. Apply POG, blot.
    3. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
    4. Apply detergent solution, blot.
    5. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
    6. Rinse thoroughly with water, blot until dry.
    7. If stain persists contact a professional.
    India Ink
    Stain: Absorbed, usually black.
    Contains: Pigment (carbon black) dispersed in water with a binder.
    1. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
    2. Apply POG, blot.
    3. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
    4. Apply detergent solution, blot.
    5. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
    6. Rinse thoroughly with water, blot until dry.
    Stain: Black spots or smudges.
    Contains: Carbon, sulphur compounds, sometimes grease.
    1. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
    2. Apply detergent solution, blot.
    3. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
    4. Rinse thoroughly with water, blot until dry.

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    For other carpet-related information, visit:

    DuPont Stainmaster Web site or
    The Carpet & Rug Institutes Spot-Removal Computer

    or E-mail us:


    Krystal Kleen Karpet Kare
    3815 Lisa Way · Santa Maria, CA · 93455
    Phone: 805-934-0191 · Fax: 805-934-7861 · E-mail: